Montag, 24. Juni 2013

How to deal with people you are not friends/together with anymore?

As I promised, this is a guide how you can behave you liked a lot, but because of certain circumstances are not friends anymore.

There are two options:
- You are giving them a silent treatment to get them back.
- You are seriously done, but don't want any trouble.

You should know, what you really want and what would be best for you (two) . Don't forget to keep your dignity. Your decisions make you as a person.

So if you plan to get them back as a friend, you can try the silent treatment. Usually applied on boys, rather than on girls, especially if you go for a longer period of time. Boys tend to suffer more on a loss after a certain time and girls usually cry, shout and then get a distraction. Might also be another boy ;) (It is very stereotypical and actually meant more as a joke than a real advise.)
The silent treatment can only be applied if you already are kind of important to someone.

If you are really ready to quit a friendship in good terms:

  • Be polite, say Hi-Bye. 
  • Go your own way.
  • Don't badmouth them. 
  • Try to avoid them, don't stalk.
  • Don't play mind games, this will hurt you more than your friend.
  • If they try to be your friend again, think about it. It might be just for their ego. They want to be more important to you then you are to them. (Or they are serious about it, use your subjective opinion ;))

So, let's say you need something from this person. These things always happen, when you least expect/want them to happen. What can you do then?

I usually go for the "Honest, there is nothing wrong about it version." So I will just go and tell them what I need and since I have been nice to them (bullet points), I expect them to be nice too in return.

But honesty is as I think not the most clever thing to go for. Even if you are not that interested into caring too much about it, you probably have to try harder to get something from them. They gained importance after getting asked for a probably on a trip now.

What you can do instead is: Ask a friend to ask your former friend.

If they still say no or are just behaving openly like a douche. Just leave it. You won't get it anyway.

You won't get ANYTHING out of here, you are just wasting time. There was a reason you quit the friendship in the first place and this is one of the reminders.

If you quit the friendship in bad terms:

There are no rules. Go for it. Steal it. Beat him. Whatever you want, but don't get caught or hurt anybody.

Thank you for reading :D I really appreciate it! I would love to read some comments! Tell me, about your experience with best friends gone bitches. Looove a good bitch-story ;)

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