How to avoid being used?

History: So we have a group of 5 to do a project. In the end, we ended up to be 3 people attending the meetings and doing the work, which was ok. But then one of the missing students, showed up at the appointment with our teacher, to collect the mark and the other one wrote us after the meeting if our project was done...
Clearly, this is a sign of being used. Some people can still stay strong and just say "NO", but there is also people, who don`t even realized that they are being used.
So lets start:
- Detect if you are being used. If you already know you might be the victim, stop whining and crying, because as always,
"If you know something is wrong, you can start making it right." - Think about your benefits. Most of the time, you are getting used you won`t carry a real benefit from it. (By the way: experience doesn`t always count as a benefit.)
- Is this person important to you? Of course there is a difference between family/friend ro a stranger. So keep that in mind too.
- Limit your time. If you think you want to help even without any benefits, its cool. but keep your time limited, otherwise you will have to do a lot more then expected.
- SAY "NO". This is the actual thing you need to know. But even though it may notseem like it, the most difficult one. But believe me the first time you say it might be easy, but then you will get used to it and you might even enjoy it. :D
- DON'T Apologize! Its your right and your time, so you can say NO, whenever you want. Keep that in mind. People who are getting used tend to apologize a lot and
"If you stop behaving like a victim, you won`t be a victim!" - Don't even feel bad. The person asking you for a favour is probably already looking for someoneelse to ask to help them. Its not the end of the world and now that you have a voice, you are probably more respected then before.
- Build up your confidence. You are an important person, otherwise people wouldn`t ask you for a favour. Your time is valuable and so are you. Keep in mind and tell yourself that you did something good. Something important, that needed to be done.
I hope I could help you and I wish you luck and fun standing up against these kind of people. Comment if you want and don't forget.
"Be yourself, but try being better too. ;)"
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